Submission guide

Note: A maximum of only one presentation will be possible per author.

Create an Account in the online Congress Platform: Create an Account or if you already have an account, please log in.

Submit Your Abstract    

Please log in, Click "My Submissions" to submit and manage your abstract(s). To submit a new abstract, please click on the green button "New Submission".

Please note, while submitting and also after submitting your abstract, you will still be able to return back to "My Dashboard" -> "My Abstracts" and edit your abstract, until the Abstract Submission Deadline.

Download the abstract template here: Coastlab24_paper_template_2023_06_12_v4.docx

Click "Submit Abstract", fill in the abstract submission form

Upload the abstract file (upload both .pdf and .docx attachments). 
Note that the Abstract Summary in the submission form does not constitute the required full (max. two A4) abstract that should be submitted to become presenter. 

Enter your co-author details:
 If you are submitting an abstract on behalf of another person, please tick the "Submitting on behalf of an author?" check box.
 Select the First Author of the abstract by pressing the button in the "Primary Author" column.
 Select the author who will be presenting the abstract in the "Presenting Author" column.

When pressing the "Submit" button, please note, that a pop-up message will appear, stating "This page is asking you to confirm that you want to leave  information you've entered may not be saved."
However, the abstract details will be saved, please click "Leave Page".

Your submitted abstract should state "Submitted" under Abstract Status in "My Dashboard" -> "My Abstracts"
Please note, that you are able to continue editing and resubmitting this abstract until the Abstract Submission Deadline.

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